Monday, March 1, 2010


We have never met you.
But we know you by heart.
You are our son.

At first,
You took us by surprise.
You were shock
And delight.

We each had a path,
Ahead of us.
Plans and ideas
That you redirected.

We reconvened.
We gathered all that we had.
All that we knew.
Combined and intertwined it.

We looked forward to you.
Our home we built,
Around you.
We longed for you to come.

Now we stand, entangled.
Making choices for your life
That are Impossible
To choose.

Torn apart, yet
Forged together.
We want
Only the best for you.

We wait for you now.
Although you will not come.
You are part of our family.

You are our son.

For Ryan & Stacy.


Nataisha said...

That's beautiful Peta.

Anonymous said...

thank you peta. that means more to us then i think you will ever understand.
love ryan and stacy