Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year? Really?

OK, so apparently it's 2010.

A lot of things happened last night to evidence this. For a start, there were fireworks. Lot's of them; and they were loud. There were also drinks, friends, crowds and other seeming celebrations. It was even on the news. It is now 2010 in many countries or so they say. Yet today, I sit spinning and I can't shake the feeling that I've lost something.

Ah, that's it.

New Year's Eve always brings both trepidation and anticipation. To welcome something new we must let go of something old. But, is it really new? Or is it just a convenient way of convincing ourselves we have yet another chance to get it right. To change something or do it differently.

Time is, after all, the way we measure and collect units of what is essentially the same thing, over and over. If we viewed all time as a single unit, one continuous and monotone vacuum, would we ever reinvent ourselves or start anything new? Time can be a crutch of sorts and one I am willing to lean on as I reflect on another year passed with no real or ordered recollection of how I spent it.

The new year ushers in fresh commitments with a healthy dash of resolve and amongst mine is to update this blog and pester you - my family, friends, colleagues, clients and fellow free thinkers - to read it. To share the goings-on from inside my noggin on a regular basis, and to create a record of the year so that I am not sitting, beer in hand next New Year's, trying to jumble together random brain matter from the year that was 2010.

Opt in or opt out at your discretion, but I intend to spend 2010 as an online space invader, adding to the fast accumulating mindfield of web-based outpourings.

Welcome to my new year's resolution.


Unknown said...

What a refreshing start to 2010. I am intrigued and eager to read what your mind will regurgitate during this year! A wonderful and original idea that will certainly get me thinking with what will be lots of philosophical and thought provoking words :-) ili

cmb said...

good for you! make a stand against time rolling by. i look forward to it. i hope that 2010 rocks your words... x

Anonymous said...

Way to go Curley! Looking forward to you helping unscramble this noggin too, xxD

Hendo said...

A mere poetic glimpse into the creative gospel according to Peta. When the world stops spinning and the distinct memories of the year just passed melds into the many that unravelled before them, I wonder how is it that four numbers alone can mediate the hope of pastures greener? Is it faith? Naivety? Or perhaps just the good human sense to step forward and employ the gift of time to achieve those ambitions that remain outstanding. Which reminds me, must pay that ‘festive’ electricity bill to keep the lights shining brightly in my own creative sanctuary… And although some of the routine begins to creep back into my world, I remain a dedicated employee of two-zero-one-zero.

Two very big thumbs up on the blog Peta.

Anonymous said...

Well hello there my little vegie friend! Can't wait to hear the thoughts of the smashing pumpkin in 2010. May you leave no carrot unturned or jellybean left in the lolly jar this year! HAPPY NEW YEAR! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Hey Girlfriend, I am looking forward to reading your updates on the exciting events that will appear this year for you.
You go girl! Very proud of you.
Happy New Year, it is going to be a bright and shiny one.